Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

- JESUS, from Matt. 28:19-20

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

- JESUS, in John 13:34-35

A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.

- JESUS, in Luke 6:44

you can be discipled here.

God intended that we would grow one another through personal, one-on-one discipleship. With this in mind, we are endeavoring by God's grace to train up disciple makers and offer personal discipleship to anyone who wants it, whether you attend our church or not.

What exactly is discipleship?

We have a plan.

Summary of our 3 Growth Tracks.

Connect & Learn

We set you up with a discipler and you experience what it means to be discipled.

Grow & Seek

As we build into you, you seek opportunities to build into another.

Mature & Expand

Grow in Christ as you spend the rest of your years skillfully  investing in relationships, equipping future disciple makers.

growth track 1.

Living with correct theology is so important to the life of the believer that we start everybody off at the same point: learning and shoring up a working knowledge of basic doctrine. This process not only ensures that we are all on the same page biblically, but you will also quickly get the hang of what it looks like to discuss this type of material with others and how to apply it to life in readily applicable ways, thus providing a repeatable model so that the disciple can eventually become a confident discipler themselves.

  • Grounding in basic doctrine and conversational proficiency with related concepts
  • Development  in spiritual disciplines, especially Bible study and prayer
  • Growing skill in applying scripture to life

Typical timeline: 
  • For those who are already strong in doctrine and competent in their ability to flesh it out in a disciple making context, we can walk you through the material much more quickly.
  • For those who are earlier on in their understanding and maturity, we will take all the time you need. No artificial timelines here!

growth track 2.

Now that you have developed a long-term friendship with your discipler and are getting comfortable with the knowledge and practical blessings of basic doctrine, we want to begin branching out, exploring what God is doing in your life and how to navigate those challenges and opportunities in a healthy and productive way. As we go, you will not only become a better climber yourself, but you will also enlarge your capacity for taking others with you.

  • A growing awareness of what God is doing in your life
  • The ability to gain more out of your study of God's Word, both solo and tandem (with others)
  • Greater skill at applying Scripture to the common challenges of life and helping others to do the same, thus realizing increasing spiritual health and ministry effectiveness

Typical timeline: 
  • As long as it takes, no rush

growth track 3.
Chasing summit

Walking with God in the context of the body of Christ brings such immense joy and blessing that we can't help but want to share it. By this time in your growth, our aim is for you is to broaden out, spreading the impact of biblical living to every corner of your life, becoming a living example for future generations to follow.

  • Preparing and positioning yourself to give your best to the Lord all the rest of your days
  • Refine and maximize your walk with Christ for long-term godly impact and spiritual reproduction
  • Setting a visible pattern for those coming behind and being an available resource to them, for their upbuilding and encouragement

Typical timeline: 
  • Until we see Jesus face to face

View Our Discipleship Pathway

Nuts & bolts.

What does it look like?

In short, a trained member of our church will meet with you weekly, build a vibrant relationship with you, and lovingly invest in you. 

Where does it take place?

Wherever you and your discipler decide. Sometimes it's at our church building. But for others, it's out in the community at a local coffee shop or restaurant or around someone's kitchen table.

Is there a cost?

The average cost for our study books is about $10 and each one is designed to last you awhile. If the initial cost is prohibitive, a book will be provided for you and becomes yours free at the end of your third meeting. 

How do I start?

Click here or click on the button in the section below. Once we know you are interested, we will work to connect you with someone from our church and set up your first meeting. 

Ready to be discipled?

Let us help connect you with someone from our church who will meet with you weekly, build a vibrant relationship with you, and invest in you and your spiritual growth.
Click now to take your first step.

Want to make a disciple?

We make it simple! Are you already part of our church and want to get trained or paired in discipleship? Or are you from another church, but are just interested in learning more about what we are doing at FBC? We love that, too. Let's chat!

Either way, click below to join us in the journey of learning what it looks like to disciple others, helping them to grow in their love for God and in their success and joy in biblical living. 

Are you a pastor or ministry leader interested in learning more about our approach to discipleship?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

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