Man UP

God calls us to love and serve one another…and our neighbors.
In addition to worshiping God, studying His Word and fellowshipping together, we are called to take this philosophy outside the confines of the church walls, into our neighborhood and beyond.

"Carry each other's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
Galatians 6:2

What is it?

ManUp! Ministry is a church program that exists to provide transitional housing for previously incarcerated men. The goal of the ministry is to help men find freedom in Christ and to be reconciled to God, their neighbors, their community, and to themselves. They participate in a program that integrates life together in a Christian environment with practical life skills.


How many houses are there?
We currently have and operate one dedicated ManUp house, located on the west side of Holland.
How can individuals help?
We are always looking for people willing to help with the discipleship aspect of the program, upkeep and maintenance of the ManUp house, and donors to help resource the program.
How can other churches help?
Unfortunately, in our area there is a greater need for more housing and programs for the ex-incarcerated. This is where you can help. We are interested in partnering with other churches to fulfill more of the need.
What if I know someone who could benefit from ManUp?
Personal referrals are very valuable to us. If you know someone coming out of incarceration who you think could benefit from this ministry, please reach out to us.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to contact our Steve Knoll, our Program Director.